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Russia in Peace Politiikka ja hallinto

Igor, for the moment it’s Russians who invade, destroy and kill and you speak like a victim. There is only Putin who can make believe to Russians it’s for their own security that he provokes this massacre. You consider Ukrainian as Nazis but Putin is a dictator who kept the power with violence and propaganda since more than twenty years. That’s real fascism.
You like to remember history and particularly the World Wars in Europe. According to you some Ukrainians joined the Germans. You must precise that before that Stalin killed millions of Ukrainian by starvation, deportations in camps or direct execution. Long time before the advent of Hitler. That was the bigger genocide of Hitory and a very good reason to struggle against communism.

I don't talk to Western media parrots. Welcome to the Blacklist.

Ok which countries would you choose then? Swiss is neutral but they dont wanna get involved in anything...so yeah. They will not do it. I guess
Any suggestions?

All the things we write down here are just a big mass of opinions...
A bunch of speculations.
I mean no one has ever REALLY talked with someone of Russias or the Ucraines goverment! Especially not to Putin or Zelensky. Right?

So...what, from my point of view, should be demanded first is that BOTH sides present themselves before a neutral host.
Its hard to find a country there... but how about New Zealand or Australia?
Call me childish and naive again but I think we should demand that those who are in Power of both countries need to present themselves. The craziest but -in my opinion- best thing would be if there is an international Jury... out of "normal citizens." No lawyers; no judges...no politicians. Just "normal people" asking too fighting "grown ups" out.

-I know I know they will never to it and excuse me if I sound too idealistic for some of you. But yeah... I thought I add this to the "opinions pool". I really think we should demand it though...
Stay safe and healthy (if you forgot Corona because of everything else ;P)

Not you are childish, people who start this war are childish. They prefer to start a war instead of confessing a lie. If someone could get an idea about the truth they just increase the lie. As children we learn to say sorry, as adults we try to make our lies become truth. Unfortunately it's too late now and many innocent people had to die. At the end humanity will prevail and the responsible persons will be judged by a court, their own people or if they die before, at least history will judge them.

What neutral countries Australia and New Zealand are. They are part of a new military alliance between the US and England. I advise you to keep an eye on international information. To understand what Ukrainian fascism is, please see my pictures under the avatorka photo. And don't be parroted by the Western media.

But do you have any Suggestions for a country who could host this? A country who is neutral and would be able to Deal as "third neutral party"?

They have a big ego
See photos of the war of the people of Donbass against the Ukrainian Nazis. The photos are under my avatar photo in my profile

But do you have any Suggestions for a country who could host this? A country who is neutral and would be able to Deal as "third neutral party"?
When Ukrainian Nazism is destroyed, Putin will make Ukraine a prosperous, demilitarised, neutral country. Like Switzerland.

...I talk about a country which can NOW solve the conflict betreten Russia and the current Ucraine.
But...as I read between the lines... you dont think any other country would be neutral, right?

Здравствуйте Друзья,

я - дитя ГДР, и у меня особые отношения с Россией. Как и многим другим народам, мне нравится "русская душа". Я люблю русские сказки, читала Гоголя, Достоевского и Толстого. Я также смог полюбоваться Русским государственным балетом в Лейпцигской опере. Освобождение от гитлеровской Германии - советские солдаты заслуживают бесконечной, незабываемой благодарности. Для меня Россия - я так учил в школе - была страной мира. Для меня Михаил Горбачев - самый важный политик в истории.

Я не знаю вашего отношения к собственной стране. Как и ваше отношение к Украине. И я не знаю, что российское правительство говорит своему народу.

Я знаю, что в прошлом Запад часто относился к России очень высокомерно. Я также знаю, что некоторые жители Украины (я предполагаю, что националисты) плохо относились к русским людям. И мне не нравится, что НАТО приняло в свой альянс страны Балтии. Я думаю, что России это не может понравиться.

По немецкому телевидению мы слышим, что многие русские люди не знают или дезинформированы. Россия ведет войну в Украине. Гибнет много невинных людей. Такие люди, как вы и я. Я вижу бесконечные фотографии умирающих или спасающихся бегством женщин и детей. Я считаю, что война не может решить ни одной проблемы. Он приносит боль, печаль и бесконечные страдания. Российские солдаты тоже погибают. В другой стране. Я уверен, что это не их вина.

Западные страны ввели много санкций. Они хотят оказать давление на Путина и олигархов, чтобы они прекратили войну в Украине. Трудно будет невиновным "простым" людям в России. Рубль обесценится, цены вырастут. Я думаю, вы должны быть готовы к трудным временам. Мы также должны принять сокращения. Я надеюсь, что этот кошмар скоро закончится.

Если хочешь что-то узнать, спроси меня. У Германии есть репортеры в России, освещающие события. Я не могу сказать, правда ли то, что они говорят. Но я могу сказать вам, что они говорят. На данный момент Россия изолирована от западных государств, а также от многих других государств. Это касается спорта, культуры, финансов, транспорта и экономики. Я смотрю много шоу. Финансовые эксперты говорят здесь о последствиях войны и санкций против России для россиян. Может быть, я могу дать вам знать, чего ожидать. Тогда вы готовы.

Может быть, вы сможете что-то с этим сделать. Мы вышли на улицы в ГДР в 1989 году. Мы продемонстрировали. Мы также боялись за свою жизнь, потому что перед нами стояли полицейские и солдаты, готовые стрелять. Но разум победил. Нас было слишком много!

Я приветствую вас и с нетерпением жду ответа,

Russians are slaves.

Russian authority is a bunch of Psycho-idiots, who see on a world in a way of imperialism and raped history.

Here in Kyiv we haven't got a peace now, but we have freedom and strength. A lot of russian soldiers have died and laying around roads and nobody in russia cares (maybe even don't know about it because of your propaganda). Even your "elite" troops. Simple people take weapons and do all "the best" for these occupants. We are united about our ideas of sovereignty and we know for what we stand. Russians not. Stupid slaves, who even don't know what they do.

Even that russian troops, who we get into captivity, can says only the same mantra: "We don't want to kill civil people (but we do), our authority said all this moves are simple military exercises, we are brother people (but actually we are not brothers at all)".

All russian "nation" even hadn't got united values and national idea (except idea to size their neighbours like Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan an many others). All people of russia are speechless. You haven't voice you haven't dignity, you haven't even passion to live. You just want stability and complain about life (but only by words on your kitchen and in internet). And your authority is like shepherd and your all are like sheeps.

These gas station should be destroyed. And maybe after disaster russia could find new way to state building. Where people will be happy, where people will have civil rights, where people will be rich, because money from gas, oil and other will come to pocket of simple citizens, not oligarchy authority.

I wouldn't answer to russian slaves, your life is negligible. I return on streets with my brothers of civil militia and will fight against occupants.

People of world, just take pressure on your authorities to help us by weapons. We really need it. Other we will do by ourselves. We will stand for our sovereignty at the cost of our own lives. Keep yourself!

Stay strong, european brother 🙂 If we, little citizens, can help in any way besides donations, let us know.. It is really hard that here in the forum, people start to generalize and claim that western people follow "mainstream" media. Most major media largely try to look at things neutrally and here it goes very bluntly by form: If there is any evidence, then it will be reported. The genocide and Nazim regime in Ukraine is not proven, nor are there any independent sources reporting it. Many people around me and in European countries are very self-reflective and admit mistakes. So if someone here still like to make such sweeping statements, I ask for substantiated evidences. wish u a good day, guys 🙂
It's easy for you to make assessments from the comfort of your easy chair. But when Ukrainian shells and mines fall on you and you are forced to live in a basement, when thousands of people are killed by Ukrainian fascism, you develop a hatred for the Ukrainian Nazis. I myself am ready to pick up a machine gun and take revenge on the Nazis. Even during Hitler's occupation of Ukraine, SS divisions were created consisting of Ukrainian nationalists. Such as the SS division "Galicia". These bastards destroyed Russians not only in Ukraine, but also in Belarus and Russia itself. And if the Germans have forgotten the lessons of history, Putin can remind them. Still German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, after the WW1 ended, admonished the German people: "It is not necessary to fight with the Russians, but to trade with the Russians. But what was the result? Bastard Hitler wiped out 20 million Russian people. And now the bastard Chancellor Scholz is repeating Hitler's fate and plunging the German people into war with Russia. I get the impression that the entire EU and the USA have gone mad and need to be treated in mental hospitals.
Please, Igor, I have not engaged in any assessment here. I can only donate money and goods for the Ukrainians. But going to war against Russia without having any military experience is not the right thing to do, I think. At our place, a Ukrainian truck came to pick up food and other goods. We packed a lot of things like hygiene products, food, water and so on. After my exams I will take care of refugees, I can promise you that, Igor. I just don't think it's okay that you and others make claims and don't factually back them up. You justify Russia's invasion with the warlike acts in Donbass and Luhansk. How the hell do you think Russia is allowed to threaten and wage war on the whole of Ukraine? You speak as if the West as an entity is all evil and we have our own propaganda. We also have in German politics, besides Schröter, people who argue very pro-Russian. The problem is that independent media cannot prove any of their claims in any way. You try to give your claims more weight by referring to your pictures in your profile. Exactly at this point I recognize that you have NEVER investigated facts journalistically and scientifically. That's not how it works. You don't make a claim that you want to prove somehow. FIRST you investigate the facts, then you make an assertion. And especially there it is very important to pay attention to independent sources and to refer to them. So, if you come back with your claim that the government and many in the military in Ukraine are Nazis, then give us damn sources that can independently prove it. Not out of context pictures, not individuals and situations, but facts that show structural National Socialism. I wish you all the best and health, with your illness that you described in your profile 🙂 Please, have understanding for western people and their principles. Have a nice day, Igor

First of all, I want to clarify my standpoint that Russia dose a great nation in the world with his string power of military and comprehensive military. And because of conflict of benefits and mentality(though Russia is not socialist country now), Russia is the biggest enemy of EU and America, in other words, EU and A try everything to make sanctions against russia. Secondly, as a Chinese , I support Russia , and hope two countries make more cooperations. Russia has excellent literature and art and technology in the world, and if look back to the world war 2, Russia is absolutely one of the most main contributors against fascism .

I am a child of the GDR and I have a special relationship with Russia. Like many other people, I like the "Russian soul". I love Russian fairy tales and have read Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. I could also admire the Russian State Ballet at the Leipzig Opera. The liberation from Hitler's Germany - the Soviet soldiers deserve endless, unforgettable gratitude. For me, Russia - as I learned at school - was a country of peace. For me, Mikhail Gorbachev is the most important politician in history.

I know that the West has often treated Russia very arrogantly in the past. I also know that some people in Ukraine (I suspect nationalists) treat the Russian people badly. And I don't like the fact that NATO has accepted the Baltic states into its alliance. I don't think Russia could like that. And yes, the Western countries have also incurred a heavy debt in the past. And they started a war against other countries. We always say, "You did this. And you did this." The fact is that Putin (not Russia!) is waging a war in Ukraine. Many innocent people are dying. That is why the war must be stopped. Because war is war! It will not solve any problem. It will not drive out the nationalists. Nor will it drive out the Nazis. They always come back. There are Nazis in Germany too. But I also believe that Putin is interested in more. He doesn't want NATO to move closer to his border (I understand that). But he also has a claim to power. Look at the pictures of him walking around. Long negotiating tables. He walks around like an emperor. He likes to show himself in a hero's pose. He is a narcissist. He is not Gorbachev!

We must do everything to stop the war. Because of the innocent people in Ukraine. In the end, we will all sink in a world war. Then all arguments will be worth nothing. Then there will be no value at all. And no opinion. It will be meaningless.

I am a child of the GDR and I have a special relationship with Russia. Like many other people, I like the "Russian soul". I love Russian fairy tales and have read Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. I could also admire the Russian State Ballet at the Leipzig Opera. The liberation from Hitler's Germany - the Soviet soldiers deserve endless, unforgettable gratitude. For me, Russia - as I learned at school - was a country of peace. For me, Mikhail Gorbachev is the most important politician in history.

I know that the West has often treated Russia very arrogantly in the past. I also know that some people in Ukraine (I suspect nationalists) treat the Russian people badly. And I don't like the fact that NATO has accepted the Baltic states into its alliance. I don't think Russia could like that. And yes, the Western countries have also incurred a heavy debt in the past. And they started a war against other countries. We always say, "You did this. And you did this." The fact is that Putin (not Russia!) is waging a war in Ukraine. Many innocent people are dying. That is why the war must be stopped. Because war is war! It will not solve any problem. It will not drive out the nationalists. Nor will it drive out the Nazis. They always come back. There are Nazis in Germany too. But I also believe that Putin is interested in more. He doesn't want NATO to move closer to his border (I understand that). But he also has a claim to power. Look at the pictures of him walking around. Long negotiating tables. He walks around like an emperor. He likes to show himself in a hero's pose. He is a narcissist. He is not Gorbachev!

We must do everything to stop the war. Because of the innocent people in Ukraine. In the end, we will all sink in a world war. Then all arguments will be worth nothing. Then there will be no value at all. And no opinion. It will be meaningless.

A wave of Russophobia has risen in Europe.
Russian television yesterday spread information about a wave of Russophobia that has risen against everything concerning Russians in Europe. In order for me to determine which cases were real and which are fake Russian television, I need information help from you. Please write to me point by point, did the event really happen or is it a lie?
For example clause 1. - It happened, clause 2. - a lie (fake) clause 3. - I do not know, etc.
I think that Russian TV is involved in a global political game to incite the mutual hatred of Europeans and Russians. And so : What Russian TV reported.
1. The Russian TV channels RT and Sputnik are switched off to Europe.
2. Russians are being kicked out of their jobs, even if they work under contract.
3. Tearing down the names on Russian stores if they are written for Russians and offering to replace these names with neutral ones.
4. Russian people are being taken out of the stores by the supermarket guards without announcing the reasons.
5. Russians are refused medical assistance.
6. Russian students are denied access to European universities.
7. The International Olympic Committee banned the Russian and Belarusian anthems and the display of national flags.
8. The FIFA soccer government canceled all matches involving Russian soccer teams and banned European teams from playing on Russian territory.
9. All concerts by Russian musicians and dancers were cancelled in European theaters.
10. Russian arts people are forcibly dismissed from European theaters.
11. Dogs of Russian breeds are being destroyed in dog factories.
12. Children and people on the streets throw stones at Russian immigrants and tourists.
13. Russian athletes are kicked out of all European competitions.
14. In the USA all concerts with Russian artists at Carnegie Hall are stopped.

I ask for your help in filtering ( point by point ) these Russian TV reports. To tell the Russians what is true or what is false.

Hi Igor. I am glad you ask. So I can assure you 3; 4, 5 and 6; 10, 11 and 12 are wrong. Here in Germany we are against the war. But I have a friend who studies here and she isnt banned. She Sais the only thing is that there are no flights to Russia which is why she cant visit her family for an unknown time. Which is sad obviously. But she isnt banned or discriminated here as she sais. Same with the dogs. Oh God why would people do that??? And...well what I heared is that Russia was banned from the Eurovision Song Contest as sign for peace and that a Russian singer who is said to be close to Putin is asked to cancel her concerts. Because they are afraid; that fanatics use her concerts to scream "Lets make war!" Or something.

Believe me. People around here dont discriminate Russians. We are shocked. We ask russian people a lot about the current situation. But no stones are thrown or anything.

The rest I can't comment because I dont follow Sports news that much. Also US news I think are better to be Commented by US citizens.
Hope that helped you🙂

The strange attitude of Igor who refused conversation when something embarrassed him is rather clear: He is not here for discussion but for propaganda. His job is to give justifications for this horrible war and to incense his master Putin. He is surely well rewarded for that and his profile is surely entirely fake

The strange attitude of Igor who refused conversation when something embarrassed him is rather clear: He is not here for discussion but for propaganda. His job is to give justifications for this horrible war and to incense his master Putin. He is surely well rewarded for that and his profile is surely entirely fake
Dear Anil, you are right!

I contacted penpal’s team regarding your behavior. I hope they will take appropriate actions and you won’t be able to share your bullshit propaganda. I wish you more humility, empathy and sense.

Talking is the best medicine. So let's not start canceling a personal opinion. Maybe show our perspective more rather banning somebody from the platform 🙂

The funny thing is that the people of NATO member countries here never reflect on the war they launched. They just don't allow non NATO member countries to launch war, and don't allow the people of non NATO member countries to express any views on the war and think his information is false. I think according to your logic, the information of most people on this website is false. It is sent by the CIA to brainwash the Chinese and Russian people. Well, double standards are the patent of the strong. I admit that NATO is stronger than China and Russia.

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