What are you reading recently ? Sitä ja tätä

The sorrows of young Werther 🙂

The Power of Five: Oblivion of Anthony Horowitz 😃

The Fault In Our Stars + The Great Gatsby at the same time 🙂

"The Afghan" Frederick Forsyth

Nausea by Sartre 🙂

The dark chamber of damokles by willem frederik hermans

I am reading Stephen King - 11.22.63
It's cool. Its about time travelling.

The german name: Wen liebt du wenn ich tot bin? - CJ Food 🙂

The original name : Infinite Sky - Chelsey Food

PS: I'm german

I'm reading Looking for Alaskaby John Green 🙂

The Antichrist - F. Nietzsche

The Captain's Daughter by A. S. Pushkin

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski.

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks 🙂

I read adolescent adapted books in English :hang: but want to read in the original language serious literature, especially Hemingway and Maugham, it's ones of my favorite writers.

Andrey_spb muokkasi tätä .

Three friends of Remarque

"J.R.R. Tolkien and the 1. Worldwar" and "Der unsichtbare Apfel"

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

The Complete Essays by Michel de Montaingne