Religions Arki ja tavat

Im really intrested in religions , i see that we have people around the world here, so i want to ask if you can write some important things about your religion or about why you chose that as your religion.

For me i dont have , i also dont have many informations , soo i will read your answers .

very difficult questions🤔

I dont actually know if everybody has a choice to select his/her religion. Especially in muslim countries.

I dont actually know if everybody has a choice to select his/her religion. Especially in muslim countries.
U know there Are many reasons Muslims STAY Muslims 😂
idk "some" ppl dont understand 🤔

I don't think that most of us really choose a religion. Either you grew up in one and you want or are forced to stay in this religion, be it because of your family or culture/country. Either you are picking it because it is the one you have heard the most, which often recquires you to be culturally imerged in this religion too.
I rarely have seen an Italian turning to Shintoism, or an Indian picking Christianism. It certainly exist, but the majority would most likely differ.

U know there Are many reasons Muslims STAY Muslims 😂
Not being stoned for apostasy?

I don't think that most of us really choose a religion. Either you grew up in one and you want or are forced to stay in this religion, be it because of your family or culture/country. Either you are picking it because it is the one you have heard the most, which often recquires you to be culturally imerged in this religion too.
I rarely have seen an Italian turning to Shintoism, or an Indian picking Christianism. It certainly exist, but the majority would most likely differ.

U know there Are many reasons Muslims STAY Muslims 😂
Not being stoned for apostasy?
No i guess u are part of the "Some " ppl who dont understand .
so when u DO understand u can come back to me 😀

I was partly mocking. However, I have seen how people who try to leave Islam are treated around here, and I can say that they are perceived as worst than "kuffar"...

I was partly mocking. However, I have seen how people who try to leave Islam are treated around here, and I can say that they are perceived as worst than "kuffar"...

Arabian_Nights muokkasi tätä .

Muslim, christian/catholic , Hindus and Jewish all have same structure. Almighty God then messenger/s after that human representative below that priests and followers. Number of Gods vary below Almighty God. Buddhism is differ from this structure.
Muslim, christian/catholic and Jewish have linear path. Born live then goes to hell or heaven.
Buddhism and Hinduism have circular path . Born die and reborn.
I don't have any idea about other religions.