Favorite names Arki ja tavat

If you could change your name what would you change it to?

What are your favorite names?
It could be in any language

i think it would be 蔡徐坤
it's a Chinese name

For some reason im in Love with the name Nicholas (I don't like the short form, "Nick")

But OMW Nicholas !!!! The sound of it is so beautiful

its a Greek word meaning "victory"

I like the name Sofia very much

I love lots of names, including the name my parents almost gave me (Loreley/Lorelei). But if I'd switch my name (which I wouldn't, its not THAT bad) i think i'd go for Ariane, Vivian or Crystal. Not sure if they'd even match me tho

I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

Arad? really? it means turmeric (the orange spice) in Gujarati/Hindi

I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

Arad? really? it means turmeric (the orange spice) in Gujarati/Hindi

Actually, in persian grammar, it is came from "araste" or "arayidan", they all mean like being be orderly , alsoe the 25th day of our calnedar is named that . Its from pahlavi 's government time period

I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

Arad? really? it means turmeric (the orange spice) in Gujarati/Hindi


I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

Arad? really? it means turmeric (the orange spice) in Gujarati/Hindi

I want to add a correction. In Hindi we call turmeric as "Haldi" whereas in Gujarati it is called as "Halad" or "Haldar/Haladara".

I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

Arad? really? it means turmeric (the orange spice) in Gujarati/Hindi

I want to add a correction. In Hindi we call turmeric as "Haldi" whereas in Gujarati it is called as "Halad" or "Haldar/Haladara".

Maybe its different in a diff region or city, its like that in Arabic too, you get diff dialects

I love my name, but if i should've change it , i would choose : arad

Arad? really? it means turmeric (the orange spice) in Gujarati/Hindi

I want to add a correction. In Hindi we call turmeric as "Haldi" whereas in Gujarati it is called as "Halad" or "Haldar/Haladara".

Maybe its different in a diff region or city, its like that in Arabic too, you get diff dialects

Maybe. But entire north India uses term "Haldi" (derived from sanskrit word). Maybe South India have different term for it. Don't know much about Gujarati since it's not my mother tongue but my friends (Gujarati)never mentioned "Arad" as Haldi.

Архипиволокоточкина-Черепапельчикаковская Аня

I wouldn't change my name ; )