How do you interact with Nature? Arki ja tavat

I would love to know what everyone of you are doing in the Nature. There a dozen ways to interact with Nature when outside. Like collecting things for example Leafs, Rocks (hopefully not animals haha)
Many People take pictures or just enjoy the view. I think being in a forest is way more exciting and relieving than spending time in a city. Yesterday I went to the Forest with my dog just do make a little fire and brew a instant coffee. Or while walking I pick a Tree thats on my way and try to guess how many steps I'm away. I'm so exited for your Ideas. Let me know!

Only in photography. But I wanna collect things like cherry [Sakura] blossoms, or colorful leafs at autumn this year too.

That's a nice Idea too Neta! I'll keep it in mind 🙂

Ich schreib mal auf Deutsch, weil mein Englisch zu mies ist: Ich wohne an den Ausläufern des Odenwalds. Direkt vor meinem Haus beginnt ein Wanderweg! Für mich ist es eine Notwendigkeit nach der Arbeit ein, zwei oder drei Stunden im Wald spazieren zu gehen. Ich liebe das! Was mich vor allem fasziniert, ist die Tatsache, dass hier die Wälder voll sind mit Rotwild! Es vergeht kein Spaziergang, wo ich kein Reh sehe! Das macht mich glücklich!

Kein Problem. Ich habe auch nicht erwähnt dass es in Englisch sein muss. Bei solch einem Wald wird man direkt neidisch. Wir haben hier im Raum Hamburg schöne Wälder aber viel zu wenig Natur in Bezug auf Waldtiere. Es hat schon was Beruhigendes und Anmut ein Tier in freier Wildbahn zu sehen

Kein Problem. Ich habe auch nicht erwähnt dass es in Englisch sein muss. Bei solch einem Wald wird man direkt neidisch. Wir haben hier im Raum Hamburg schöne Wälder aber viel zu wenig Natur in Bezug auf Waldtiere. Es hat schon was Beruhigendes und Anmut ein Tier in freier Wildbahn zu sehen Hier eine Info zum Odenwald! Jenseits des Tourismus ist aber leider eine sehr arme Region, die aussieht, wie in den 1970er Jahre, aber die Natur ist großartig. Als Tourismustipp würde ich Dir als "Nordlicht" Neckarsteinach raten. und Heidelberg mit dem tollen Neckartal sowieso! 😉

Mensch da muss ich wohl noch einige Meter laufen für. Aber ich lebe für Wälder udnd meine Hündin auch. Vielen Dank für die Empfehlungen. Ich bin in Schwetzingen nahe Heidelberg geboren aber da wir nach meiner Geburt direkt in die USA gezogen sind hab ich die Natur Süddeutschland bisher noch nicht für mich entdecken können. Es sieht aber extrem schön aus ich habe keinen Anspruch an Wäldern solange es Bäume und Wege gibt habe ich was ich brauche.

First of all, one should leave the ego-based anthropocentric approach, and hold a deep reverence for nature. Mankind often considers itself the most important aspect of nature. Instead people are just an equal part of nature, rather than separate from it, or more important than it. If you really want to interact with the nature, you need to spend time in it and learn the way to symbiosis. One should throw the ego away and embrace the eco. If you spend one night in the nature, then you'd undertstand how weak and helpless you are in wilderness. That is a lesson telling that you should stop taking parts from her but become into a part of her. One can take thousands photos or collect thousands of elements from her but it does not make one interact with nature. This is just ego-based anthropocentric approach. I argue the point in an indigenous approach.

Just observing nature is something wonderful.
I like to experiment with the camera, and I'm one of the people who take rocks home when they have particular colors or shapes.
I was in Tanzania in September, and going on safari made me understand even more what nature can offer.
I love poppies. For five years, every year, when the season is right, I go looking for poppies on the train tracks for take a picture.
I love poppies because I find them courageous. They are born and live where it opens and pleases showing off their intense red.

(Let's respect and love nature, or I think it will backfire on us.)

Peace 🫂

In the mountains, I listen to the song of birds,
And try to speak with them.
I observe the uniqueness of each leaf,
And sometimes use them as instruments.
Only a few times have I made them sing,
But it was a moment of wonder.

Walking around a rainy lake

.......... ☀️

_🌱_🌱_🌱_ ... Dwell Weightlessly ... _🌱_🌱_🌱_

Camping in wilderness is very interesting. Spending few days without Phone, Internet, TV, Radio …… ect . It’s like formatting my mind.

NO electric cars NO 5g

I have no choice at all but to interact with nature. My little mountain town is 100% surrounded on all sides by national park. You cannot enter or leave without driving through at least 4 of them. no hunting and fishing allowed for over 120 years, try to imagine how thick the wildlife is out here.
If you drive on the highway you'll have to stop for bighorn sheep, moose, elk or deer at some point. Mountain goats knock down rocks from above on to your vehicles. Bears and mountain lions calmly walk down our streets. Eagles are in the air everyday, and wolves keep you up at night with their howling.

I have been chased by everything that you can imagine and been bitten and scratched too.

I have no choice at all but to interact with nature. My little mountain town is 100% surrounded on all sides by national park. You cannot enter or leave without driving through at least 4 of them. no hunting and fishing allowed for over 120 years, try to imagine how thick the wildlife is out here.
If you drive on the highway you'll have to stop for bighorn sheep, moose, elk or deer at some point. Mountain goats knock down rocks from above on to your vehicles. Bears and mountain lions calmly walk down our streets. Eagles are in the air everyday, and wolves keep you up at night with their howling.

I have been chased by everything that you can imagine and been bitten and scratched too.

hey Mountainman, is there any reason you blocked me?