What makes a woman pretty / "precious"? Arki ja tavat

Maybe there is one last point I´d like to add. Why I would prefer to be chosen because of character and not because of my looks in first position: looks are changing with the age. Moreover, you can loose your beauty due to a disease or an accident. When your looks are the reason why you were chosen, what will be then?

I must say, as someone who pay a huge attention to look: I wish good luck for anyone who is choosing partner only by appereance.

There is a lost o pretty/ handsome/ hot people that... We wouldnt stand for a minute.

But Your look is often the reason why someone started approach You. And then You can let this person know about Your character and... Im sure most of us can recognize what is most important for that other person. If it's only look - just say good bye.

Maybe there is one last point I´d like to add. Why I would prefer to be chosen because of character and not because of my looks in first position: looks are changing with the age. Moreover, you can loose your beauty due to a disease or an accident. When your looks are the reason why you were chosen, what will be then?
Simple. Some stylish hardcover might attract you, and you buy the book. If the content is well enough, from then on, you would not mind the hardcover to get aged, damaged or torn at all. I mean if the person is literate.