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Quote of the day Arki ja tavat

"...What the ancients called the attainment of the goal was not
state carriages and crowns, but simply referred to joy to which
nothing can be added.... "

✨________________________________Chuang Dsi

"Exceptions are not always confirmation of the old rule;
they can also be the harbingers of a new rule. "

✨_____________________Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

"The higher we rise, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."

✨___________________________Friedrich Nietzsche

"It has always been the case that love only recognises its own depth in the hour of separation. "

✨_______________________________________________________Khalil Gibran

"Each one carries within himself a productive singularity, as the core of his being;
and when he becomes conscious of this singularity, a strange radiance appears
around him, that of the unusual. "

✨_________________________________________Friedrich Nietzsche

"Our actions are borne by the ever-living awareness that people
are not free in their thoughts, feelings and actions, but are just
as causally bound as the stars in their movements. "

✨______________________________________Albert Einstein

🎈 "It is much harder to forgive one's friends than one's enemies... "

✨___________________________________Friedrich Nietzsche

"Unconsciousness is deadly poison for a relationship. "

"Only those who love can truly and completely forgive. "


Lir_Elhan muokkasi tätä .

Der Anfang aller Dinge ist ein kosmisches Paradoxon, ein Paradoxon ohne Schlüssel zum Verständnis seiner Bedeutung.

Sri Aurobindo

"It is a big mistake to think that a person is always the same.
A person is never the same for long. He is constantly changing.
Not even for half an hour does he remain the same. "

✨___________________________G. I. Gurdjieff

"Holding onto your anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” -Buddha

An Blumen zu sparen, heißt am falschen Ort zu sparen! (Alexander Rudoo)

"Life without love is like a tree without flowers and fruit.
Love without beauty is like flowers without fragrance. "

✨________________________________Khalil Gibran

"The noble man helps his fellow men to bring the good in them to maturity,
but not the bad. The low-minded man does the opposite."


"The essence of good is: to preserve life, to promote life, to bring life to its highest value.
The essence of evil is: To destroy life, to harm life, to inhibit life in its development . The
basic principle of ethics is therefore reverence for life. "

✨_________________________________________________________Albert Schweitzer

Lir_Elhan muokkasi tätä .

"In the pursuit of knowledge, something is added every day.
In the practice of Tao, something is dropped every day. "

✨____________________________________Lao Tse

"The most important >Manhattan Projects< of the future
will be extensive government-sponsored investigations
into what the politicians and the scientists participating
in them will call >The-Problem-Of-Happiness<, in other
words ... how to get people to love their slavery. "

✨__________________________________Aldous Huxley

"Our destiny disposes of us, even if we do not yet know it;
it is the future that gives the rule to our today. "

✨__________________________Friedrich Nietzsche

Lir_Elhan muokkasi tätä .

"The ego in the form of the 'I-Conception' is the root of the tree
of all delusions. If it is 'destroyed', all delusion is cut down. "

✨________________________Ramana Maharshi

Lir_Elhan muokkasi tätä .

The 5 by 5 rule:

“If it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.” (:

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