What`s your favorite thing too drink? Arki ja tavat

I like tea or water! And Energy drinks... 🙂

Annika2007 muokkasi tätä .

water and milk

Affligem Tripel 🙂

Milk tea ~
Orange juice
Coconut juice

Sparkling water 😛

a chamomile tea

wiener melange and tea

Lemon Iced Tea 🙂

Virgin mojito 🤷‍♀️😂


A beer or whiskey shots

Ayran ♫

lemon tea

Tinto de verano, summer wine.
Basically Sprite + red wine + slices of lemon
Best thing ever if you hate the taste of alcohol but enjoy the buzz

-pure juice


Milk tea

Milk, 'Tess' green tea called "Flirt" and fuzzy drinks (less sugar - better)