The world needs OCEANS!!!! Politiikka ja hallinto


I've never seen a Panda. Surely the animal doesn't exist. Wether you like it or not, some things and events exist/occurs independently of your knowledge and will. Air pollution is terrible in China, affect the world when it's NOx (we had a huge problem of acid rains in the past, and smos surely are nice), CO2, CH4 (global warming), heavy metals...

Admitting you are of good faith and not a kind of propagandist, just let's check the 2 very first papers I obtained as a results :
(the doi, soyou can find it anyway on baidu, scihub... : )
(Doi: 10.4103/1735-1995.189646 )


That's not about medias or a country specifically, neither about a political order, but about scientific work and paper. You need those works to assess environmental and health issues, which eventually lead to advice that can help political decisions (which are, most of the time largely ignored or discarded by politicians).
Here though, you claimed that air pollution wasn't of a health concern, thus I show you that, yes, it is and it is concerning much more people on a scale much larger than what is happening in Japan right now, for which the concern are rather ideological than scientific. It's up to you accept or to deny the research of these scientists, among which a bunch of your fellow-citizens also worked on.

Finally you mention that we should "hope" and that discussion is more or less useless. I disagree with this stance. You mention some effort made toward environment, but were are those efforts coming from if not from people discussing with each others first? If people don't know what happen, why would they ask their government to move toward a goal? Most of the things beingg done in Franca have been done not thanks to a government, but to people who moved first and made problems known and tried to move toward a potential solution (even if, often, in a terrible way).

China has indeed solved a lot of air pollution, and currently it is still continuing to solve it, (what I said may not be correct).


Appears so.


In doing so, they are the sinners of history. Sooner or later, they will regret it.
They will not admit it two years later 😂 they will say they have never done this. Think about the WW2

Japan's main agricultural sector is fishing, and it's ridiculous that what they're doing is not just cutting themselves off, they're cutting off the world's back.
Don’t worry, this country will disappear, sooner or later

The ocean is not important. So who cares?

The ocean is not important. So who cares?

The ocean is not important. So who cares?
The ocean is practically linked to every other aspect of the world though