

  • 5
  • Vieraat kulttuurit

    I have a multilingual past. So I want to speak different languages with the other people. I want to practice some Japanese behind the books.

  • Aihe, johon et koskaan kyllästy

    My hobbies are quidditch and personal development.

  • Kaupungit ja maat, joissa olen vieraillut

    Viet Nam, Polska, Deutschland, France, Italia, Cesko

  • Olen hyvä...


  • Tästä pidän nykyajassa

    You should live in this moment. Would you waste the time if it was money?

  • Maailman parantaminen

    To start is the first step of changing. You haven't always to help to make others happy. A smile, a short talk are sometimes enough

